Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's Wrong With Macon/And the World in General

I'm so sick of going to Target and other big box retailers and finding that people a) don't know how to park between the white lines (seriously- how hard is it?), b) can't put the carts up (lazy. just plain lazy), and c) tend to have Lemming-like suicidal tendencies when they step out in front of oncoming traffic.

How hard is it to park in between two white lines and put up your cart and wait for oncoming traffic to pass by? It seriously makes me sick going to any of these large retailers just because of it.

To me, it shows what is wrong with our city as a whole when someone can't do something as simple as park between two lines. It's evident that this is part of what is wrong with our city. For instance, when Target first opened people seemed to take pride in it and take care to put the carts up. Now we just leave them wherever in the parking lot. And don't let putting your kids in a hot car be an excuse- I make sure to park next to one of the cart holder things when I have my kids with me so that I can put the cart up and not leave the kids in the car alone getting hot.

How in the world can we expect people to take pride in their city and take care to not do something as simple as litter if they can't even park correctly. I think it can even go so far as to explain why Macon is a good microcosm for the United States as a whole. Of course we have a growing obesity rate, how can we expect people to take care of their bodies if they can't park?

I almost think Michelle Obama's idea of restricting what we can eat is a good idea. Obviously, many of us depend on the government for our paychecks so it makes sense that we need the government to tell us how to eat properly. Sure it restricts our freedom to be fat if we want to but hell, obviously we don't know how to respect ourselves unless the federal government is holding out hands through it.

I could go on forever... and I'll probably continue this later but I need to take care of something at the moment.

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